Vanpooling Information

How To Vanpool in Virginia

Vanpool Alliance welcomes all eligible vanpool operators in the Northern Virginia area.
To see if you qualify, answer the questions below.

Vanpool Alliance Service Area

  1. Is your vehicle a 7-15 passenger van?
  2. Does your vanpool start from, travel through or terminate in the highlighted portion of the map?
  3. Is your vanpool open to the general public allowing everyone to participate regardless of race, creed, gender, age, ethnicity, disability or employer group?
  4. Is your vanpool currently participating in any vanpool subsidy or incentive program other than Virginia’s Van Start or Van Save programs?


If you answered “yes” to questions 1, 2 and 3 and “no” to question 4, congratulations–
you are on your way to joining our program.

Apply Now

Participation Agreement and Application

Download the Participation Agreement and Application

Vanpooling in Virginia

Download the Guide